Rules for Members


Read these rules before applying for membership. Any members who do not abide by these rules will risk losing their membership and, in extreme cases, their welcome in WA as well.


No Drama

If u have an issue with any person in WA keep it to pm, do not bring it to cc. Also, if you have a complaint about anyone or thing go to your clan leader not other clannies.. this will minimize drama.

Don't take matters into your own hands. We have a leadership structure for a reason - let them handle internal issues in the clan.


Stay active

At our sub clans, activity checks are done several times a week. If you are inactive for more than three days you will be cordially kicked. If you know you are going to be inactive please tell your clan leader in advance.


At Wingless Angels, activity is dependant upon war participation. You must participate in wars on a weekly basis and be 100% active in them.


Exclusive Membership

You cannot share membership with another clan. All perm members must have all accounts perm wa or not affiliated with any other clan.         


Read Clan Announcement

Always read the ca when you log in. Importaint eb and clan information will be posted there by the clan leaders.


Get Permission to Leave

No leaving your clan without the expressed permission of your clan leader. If you have an alt account you would wish to use as a merc but have wa tag speak to your clan leader.


No Nagging

We don't tolerate nagging for admin, allies bought, eb preferences, etc.. This just gets annoying!


Keep clan chat pg

We want all to feel welcome at WA. No bipasses, racism, hate speech, or graphic sexual content.


Advertise on World Chat (eb clans only)

Use at least three speakers a day to advertise for WA on WC - unless you are on a computer account. Record in CC when you send ads out.

(example: ":07 two ads out")

Remember, you cannot place more than two ads every five minutes on WC or you will be silenced by KAW moderators.


Stay Potted

You must keep a minimum number supply of potions on you at all times. This number varries with each clan. If you are not potted you are not prepared for war - which sometimes come unexpected!


Clan Tag

Wingless_ tag must be granted by your clan leader. We don't take this lightly. Those who wear the wingless tag are a representation of WA to the KAW world. It is rewarded to the most loyal and trustworthy members.


Leave on Good Terms

If you decide to leave WA, let your clan leader know, remove any wingless tag from your name, and do not encourage others to leave with you. Any attempt to poach our members will be considered an act of war.


Have Fun!

Make sure you act silly from time to time - this is a game!